With over 20 years professional experience and education, Bob brings a powerful healing presence and deep understanding of the body to every session. Grounded in Osteopathic principles of Precision, Perception and acute Receptivity to the wisdom of the body, his gentle encouragement of the natural unfolding health within, every person he encounters has the opportunity to experience their limitless potential for dynamic self awareness and ease in their body.
Bob has studied at Canadian College of Osteopathy and Canadian Academy of Osteopathy, and has studied Osteopathic Manual Therapies since 2000. He has served as Teacher's Assistant in many classes, and has developed and led several workshops on various Osteopathic Modalities.
Some of the primary modalities that influence his work are:
-Cranial Osteopathy (sometimes known as CranioSacral Therapy). Bob has a deep connection with the Biodynamic approach, yet maintains a wide perspective, to include many perspectives on the work. This allows for a complete openness to work with whatever the body presents.
-Dr. Bruno Chikly’s extensive body of work, which includes :
-Brain Therapy. Working directly with neurons, glymphatics, and other structures of the brain
-Lymph Drainage Therapy. Including manual mapping of the lymph, to detect and reroute any damaged or compromised areas of flow
-Working with Bone Marrow. Applications most often include immune system disfunction and allergies
-Heart Centered Therapy. Alaya Chikly’s deeply transformative work with the wisdom of the heart.
For more info on the work of the Chiklys, see https://chiklyinstitute.com/
-Visceral Manipulation. An Osteopathic approach to working with the organs and related vessels and connective tissue to relieve difficulties with the organs themselves and the associated structures, including the spine, ribs and pelvis. Developed by French Osteopath Jean Pierre Barral. For more info, see https://www.barralinstitute.com/therapies/index.php#Poster
-Neural Manipulation. A gentle specific approach to working directly on nerves. For more info, see https://www.barralinstitute.com/therapies/nm.php
-Other influences include years of Osteopathic training, and most of all….YOU! The people Bob works with are his greatest teachers!